Monday, January 27, 2014

week 3 results

We are seeking to optimize our bodies and health, for me that means losing ~ five pounds and clearing my skin. For our son, he needs to gain weight, reducing even more the apnea and cyanosis episodes, and any skill improvements would be icing. From past experience we know that grains/starches and animal products daily or even more than a couple of times a week are not good for him, nor are a lot of kidney shaped beans. Soy is also not his friend.

For exercise we use this 7-minute workout (total of 9 minutes) from

Here are our week 3 results after following Fuhrman's meal plan:
  •  my waist remained the same as last week and i did lose an additional 1 pounds. I feel wonderful and energetic. Cravings are gone.
  • He gained an an additional pound and his waist remained the same as last week. He is continuing to be more interested in helping around the house with laundry, dishes, even dusting. He spent time with an old friend and she couldn't believe how attentive he is, the eye contact, and his attention span.
I am encouraged for both of us. We would love to know how you are doing as well.

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