Tuesday, January 7, 2014

How to Hack Your Brain to Free Yourself from Junk Food Addiction by Abel James

How to Hack Your Brain to Free Yourself from Junk Food Addiction by Abel James
  1. Naturally boost dopamine levels. Being active and social increases levels of dopamine, as do new and pleasurable experiences such as hitting the local watering hole, whipping  up a new recipe, or jamming to music.
  2. Naturally boost serotonin levels. Altruistic activities such as helping others, giving compliments, and playing with pets up your serotonin considerably.
  3. Baby steps. If you can't go cold turkey, swap one junk food for a healthy food at a time. It's really not that difficult - just stop buying Oreos and buy an apple instead. You crave what is around you.
  4. Expose yourself to healthy foods. (And by "expose yourself," I'm talking about eating foods, not flashing them.) Pro tip - it takes at least 10 exposures to a healthy food before you begin to crave it in the same way that you craved junk foods. That's why I crave kale while many crave Krispy Kreme.
  5. Eliminate mindless eating. Don't eat in front of the TV, reading, driving, or anything else. Not only will you overeat because your brain is distracted, you will also begin to associate activities with foods (such as soda with driving, candy with talking on the phone, or popcorn with TV) which increases cravings.
  6. Indulge occasionally - guilt-free. We all want to be perfect, but we're all human. As long as you are making good choices the vast majority of the time, give yourself permission to indulge in foods you truly love on occasion. 

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