As usual everything was delicious!
Our December Potluck is the 5th. The theme is a holiday dish.
Zucchini Hemp Casserole
Hemp Tabouli
1/2 cup hemp seeds
1/2 cup cucumber, diced
1/2 cup parsley, minced
2 TBS olive oil
2 TBS green onion, sliced
2 tsp mint leaves minced
1 TBS lemon juice
1 clove garlic, minced
1 cup chickpeas, canned, drained
salt and pepper to taste
Spinach salad with apples and cucumbers with
a balsamic dressing
The Spectacular Broccoli Salad was a take off from Kris Carr's recipe
Pomegranate seeds were used instead of goji berries, cauliflower was added as was chayote squash
Almond Butter Cacao Cupcakes
Lemon Kefir/ Kombucha Tea (from one of our Healthy Self students)
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