Today is my husband's birthday. He wanted a standing rib roast and au gratin potatoes for his birthday dinner. Due to dietary issues within the household, vegan, non dairy... we developed this recipe to meet our family needs.
All of our dairy eating men LOVED these, as well as the vegans. They were so creamy!!!
1 onion, sliced thin, we used a mandolin
2 pounds potatoes, sliced thin, we used a mandolin
1 bag of daiya cheese
salt and pepper to taste each layer
2 cups vegetable broth
1/2 almond milk
1 TBS olive oil
Directions: Spread the olive oil on the bottom of the casserole dish. Layer potatoes slightly overlapping. Salt and pepper. Layer the onions over the potatoes. Sprinkle the daiya cheese. Repeat until all the potatoes and onions are used, with the daiya cheese topping it. Pour the broth over the potato casserole. Add almond milk until the liquid is just below the top layer. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Press the potatoes into the bubbling liquid and bake for another 35-45 minutes.
We used a typical standing rib roast recipe
3-4 pound standing rib roast
2-3 garlic cloves, crushed
2 sprigs of thyme
1 TBS olive oil
1 TBS course Celtic sea salt
1 tsp course ground black pepper
Placing the roast rib side down, we coated it with the crushed garlic, salt and pepper
We allowed the roast to come to room temperature (~2 hours).
Preheat the oven to 450. Roast for 20 minutes. Reduce the temperature to 350 and finish roasting for ~1 hour (15-20 minutes per pound). We wanted it medium rare, meat thermometer at ~140. Allow the meat to rest about 20 minutes prior to serving.
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