Thursday, January 26, 2023

Menu 1/30 - 2/3

 Monday: Feel Better Soup 
We added Chik'n Hempe to the soup

Tuesday: dinner with friends

Wednesday: Lasagna

Thursday: Chik'n Tortilla Soup

Friday: FoK magazine winter 2023, p 29-35, make 4 recipes, 5 combos 
The weather is predicting ice and snow for the weekend, so we are prepared for all our meals over the weekend.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Menu 1/23-1/27

 Monday: Lo-Mein

Tuesday: Southwestern Enchilada Casserole Recipe

Wednesday: leftovers

Thursday: Snobby Joe with slaw and sweet potatoes 

Friday:  FoK magazine winter 2023, p 55 Mediterranean artichoke pizza

Tuesday, January 17, 2023


Christmas 2022

Dec 2015

Today, one month shy of Solomon's 15th birthday, I put him down. He was given to Al and I in September of 2008, when he was 7 months old. Not only was it difficult to say good-bye to such a sweet, kind friend, but it was another first I had to do without Al. Al always took care of the hard things for me. I am so grateful my friend of 34 years went with me, loved on Solomon with me and cried with me. 

Watching Solomon age has coincided with so many older men. Solomon has had to use the bathroom more frequently. He was eating smaller meals, thinking he was hungry and after a few bits, felt he had enough. Solomon lost a significant amount of weight. Solomon has been called lumpy, bumpy with all his new growths. Solomon's legs were getting weaker and weaker. Solomon slept most of the day on a soft blanket we placed over the heat register, comfortable and warm. Solomon couldn't always remember why he got up, but a big ear rub was what he received from those who loved him. 

Thank you for blessing our lives!

Friday, January 6, 2023

Menu Jan 9-13

 Monday: Roasted Pepper, Squash Chickpea Soup

Tuesday:  Sweet Potato Shawarma

Wednesday: Leftovers

Thursday: Caribbean Black Bean Soup

Friday: Shepherd's
We made this with mashed sweet potatoes.